
Qualcomm now pursuing ban on iPhone XS and iPhone XR

Written by Allen Parker

The legal spat between Apple and Qualcomm goes on. Last week, a Chinese court issued an order to ban sales of all iPhone models in the country since the iPhone 6s upto the iPhone X. Now, it appears Qualcomm is seeking a ban on the newly launched iPhone XS and iPhone XR as well.

In an interview with Bloomberg, Qualcomm’s general counsel Don Rosenberg stated that the only reason why the newly launched iPhone range were not impacted by the court’s ruling, is because they weren’t launched at the time of the appeal.

“It affects older iPhones. It affects the iPhone 6s right through the X, and the only reason it doesn’t apply at the moment to the later devices is because when we brought the suit they didn’t exist. The new models will be coming very soon. We are already in the process of seeking an order covering the new models as well,” said Rosenberg.

To recall, a Chinese court issued a ban on iPhone sales in the country for violating Qualcomm patents. Apple was found to be infringing upon two patents as per the Chinese court’s ruling. These include a patent for changing and reformatting the size and appearance of photographs, and one for managing apps when viewing, navigating and dismissing apps using a touchscreen.

Apple still selling iPhones in China

Following the court’s ruling, Apple announced it would address the issue with an iOS update, which began rolling out on Monday. However, Qualcomm says that Apple should take the court order seriously and stop selling iPhones in China.

“It should’ve been taken a bite and it should take a bite of Apple sales right now in China. The order requires them to stop selling, stop offering for sale, and stop importing any devices between these model numbers I suggested,” further added Rosenberg.

Despite the court’s ruling, Apple is still selling iPhone models in China. The Cupertino-based company says that the latest iOS 12.1.2 update addresses the alleged patent violations.

About the author

Allen Parker

Allen is a qualified writer and a blogger, who loves to dabble with and write about technology. While focusing on and writing on tech topics, his varied skills and experience enable him to write on any topic related to tech which may interest him. You can contact him at [email protected].