
New Pixel 4 video goes big on gesture controls and face unlock

pixel 4
Written by Ashlyn Fernandes

Google is seemingly trying to build a hype about its upcoming Pixel 4 range. The company just released a new video which teases the handset’s new face unlock mechanism and gesture control feature. Whether both features will attract more users towards Pixel 4 handsets, only time will tell. For now, Google has shown-off Pixel 4’s face unlock and gesture control features in the new video. The short video posted on YouTube essentially suggests how users will be able to control the Pixel 4 without touching the screen, just by hand gestures.

According to Google, gesture control features is the result of new radar technology called Soli. The upcoming Pixel phones will have support for this technology developed by the Advanced Technology and Projects division at Google. Soli relies on high-end optical technology to detect movements off the screen, while the underlying software responds to such movements.

“Pixel 4 will be the first device with Soli, powering our new Motion Sense features to allow you to skip songs, snooze alarms, and silence phone calls, just by waving your hand. These capabilities are just the start, and just as Pixels get better over time, Motion Sense will evolve as well,” said Google.

Elsewhere, Google also plans to upgrade the face unlock mechanism with its new Pixel range. The latest video shows how a user unlocks the Pixel 4 by looking at it, similar to how Face ID works. The company will hope to make it as secure as Apple’s Face ID technology, as face unlock technology in Android phones aren’t considered as secure as Apple’s. Google, however, suggests that won’t be the case with the next-gen Pixel.

“Face unlock uses facial recognition technology that is processed on your device, so that image data never leaves your phone. The images used for face unlock are never saved or shared with other Google services,” the company explained.

The Pixel 4 is expected to release this fall, most probably sometime in October. Google is expected to launch two variants of the handset, the Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL. More details about Google’s next flagship are likely to surface as we near its official release. We’ll update you as soon as we hear anything new. Until then, keep checking back for more.

About the author

Ashlyn Fernandes

Ashlyn is a young communications professional with disciplined training and apt exposure. He has been a voice for a number of media houses in the country and overseas. Travel, Technology, Consumer, Real Estate and Healthcare have been his main areas of practice using conventional messaging with effective digital strategies. You can contact him at [email protected].