
Google seemingly removes two-year OS updates for Android One devices

Written by James Miller

Google appears to have removed some text from its official Android One webpage which claimed that partcipating handsets would receive guranteed OS updates for two years. However, now there’s no mention of the OS updates on the official website. The original text on the website was as follows:

“With Android One, your phone will receive at least two years of OS upgrades to the latest version of Android. That means access to the latest innovations and a phone that always runs as smoothly as the day you bought it.”

The removal of text was spotted by a Reddit user, which already suggests that the community is slightly baffled with the text removal. It could either be a mistake or appears to have gone for some reason, but it suggests Google is no longer interested in living up to that promise. The only devices to receive regular OS updates would be Google’s Pixel range of devices. And for obvious reasons, users aren’t going to be happy if this turns out to be true.

It’s also unclear what will happen to these devices that are already listed on the website. There’s also a possibilty that the update poilcy could only apply for new devices. That said, nothing can be said for certain until Google clears the air about the issue.

To recall, Google launched the Android One program a few years ago in an effort to unite the fragmented Android market and offer timley OS updates. With so many smartphone manufacturers, most companies choose to modify the stock Android OS, which led to delay in OS and security updates.

All smartphones under the program are free of any bloatware, and are meant to receive timley software updates. With the Android One inititaive, Google wanted to bring more companies under the program, so that system and security updates can land much quicker on all handsets.

About the author

James Miller

Senior writer & Rumors Analyst, James is a postgraduate in biotechnology and has an immense interest in following technology developments. Quiet by nature, he is an avid Lacrosse player. He is responsible for handling the office staff writers and providing them with the latest updates happenings in the world of technology. You can contact him at [email protected].