
Facebook plans to rename Instagram and WhatsApp

Written by Ashlyn Fernandes

Both WhatsApp and Instagram are essentially household names around the world. With such popularity, one would assume that renaming both these brands would be simply pointless and downright crazy. Though, it appears that’s exactly what Facebook has in mind.

The company confirmed on Friday about it plans to rename WhatsApp and Instagram. Facebook essentially plans to add its own name to these apps. Hence, from now on, WhatsApp will be known as ‘WhatsApp from Facebook’ and similarly, Instagram will be called ‘Instagram from Facebook’.

The whole point behind the name change is that Facebook wants people to know who’s the boss, as it owns both Instrgram and WhatsApp. Sources indicate that the new name will be displayed only on the app stgore pages on both iOS and Android. The name change will also be visible on the login pages.

“We want to be clearer about the products and services that are part of Facebook”. said Facebook.

To recall, Facebook bought Instagram back in 2012 followed by WhatsApp in 2014.Since then, Facebook has allowed to them function as seperate entities, with their own namagers, employees, and different work places.

In the past few years, even Facebook has acquired a lot of features from Instagram For instance, Intagram. stories, a feature inspired by Snpachat, was added to WhatsApp as Status and on Facebook as stories. However, Facebook has also been slammed over data privacy and security concerns over the past few years. For now, Instagram and WhatsApp are not affected by these privacy issues, and we hope it stays the same.

About the author

Ashlyn Fernandes

Ashlyn is a young communications professional with disciplined training and apt exposure. He has been a voice for a number of media houses in the country and overseas. Travel, Technology, Consumer, Real Estate and Healthcare have been his main areas of practice using conventional messaging with effective digital strategies. You can contact him at [email protected].