
Bethesda confirms new post-launch content for Fallout 76

fallout 76

It’s 2019, and Bethesda gives us a taste of of what’s in store for Fallout 76 this new year. In the publisher’s blog post, the publisher has revealed a few key features which players can expect in the forthcoming update. Since the release of Fallout 76, Bethesda’s primary objective has been to address the many in-game bugs.

The publisher rolled out three patches in December alone to rectify the game’s several bugs. That said, there are still plenty to deal with, as many players would accept. However, Bethesda has promised more patches for Fallout 76 in the next few updates.

“Later this month, we are providing resolutions by way of new patches for Fallout 76. Like our December 11 update, we will have a big update that will address many of the issues you’ve been providing feedback on. Full patch notes will follow soon,” explains Bethesda in the studio’s latest Inside the Vault blog post.

Apart from updates, Bethesda also plans to add new content to the game. While there have been some new content added since release, the publisher hasn’t added any significant post-launch content.

It still remains unknown what new content will arrive on Fallout 76, given the fact the publisher has adopted a different release model for post-launch content with Fallout 76.

Bethesda is using earnings from micro-transactions to fund DLC content, therefore, all upcoming DLC’s will arrive as fee downloads. As a result of this change, it’s remains unknown whether the publisher plans to release large DLC content, as they have done with previous iterations of Fallout, or a constant stream of smaller post-launch content.

About the author

Joshua Bartholomew

A casual guy with no definite plans for the day, he enjoys life to the fullest. A tech geek and coder, he also likes to hack apart hardware. He has a big passion for Linux, open source, gaming and blogging. He believes that the world is an awesome place and we're here to enjoy it! He's currently the youngest member of the team. You can contact him at [email protected].