Apple has reportedly acquired SilkLabs, a start-up which focuses on AI-centric privacy and builds machine learning products. Founded in 2015 by Mozilla’s former CTO, Andreas Gal, Silk Labs develops on-device machine learning software and products for private and business security.
The startup has launched only one product so far: a smart home monitoring camera dubbed as Sense. The device uses facial and object recognition that can recognize different faces as well as pets for home security and business surveillance.
Besides, the device can connect with smart home products such as thermostats, cameras, smart bulbs, and speakers. With the help of on-device machine learning software, Sense can even identify users patterns and play music as per the user’s taste.
SilkLabs also stresses that the way it collects data offers more privacy than its rivals. The start-up explains its algorithms are designed to collect only key data, instead of substantial amounts a user processes so that a user is always in control of his privacy. Put simply, it could process data without sending it to the cloud.
Silk Lab’s focus on privacy and machine learning would have lured Apple , who also has a similar approach to privacy. The AI-talent from Silk Labs can be put to use by Apple to improve Siri and its smart products such as HomePod.
With Apple’s increased focus of AI- centric privacy, the acquistion of Silk Labs shouldn’t come as a surprise. Reports also suggest that Apple’s acquisition of SilkLabs was on a much smaller scale compared to the company’s other acquisitions.
The Information reports that SilkLabs only has around a dozen employees and received $4 million in funding. However, neither company has issued an official statement regarding the acquisition.