
Apple May Soon Unveil a 16-inch Macbook Pro With Revamped Keyboard Design

macbook pro
Written by James Miller

There’s been no dearth of reports about the long-rumoured 16-inch MacBook Pro. Now, a new report by Bloomberg suggests that Apple plans to officially unveil the device as early as tomorrow, i.e November 13. In addition, the report also notes that it’ll go on sale this week.

The upcoming 16-inch MacBook Pro is expected to get the same $2399 price tag as the 15-inch model. The reason for that is because it’s going to fully replace the classic 15-inch MacBook Pro in the MacBook lineup, contrary to earlier rumors that it would be offered as a premium option.

Apart from its larger 16-inch display, the 16-inch MacBook Pro also marks the debut of a revamped keyboard mechanism, which is designed to be more reliable compared to the butterfly styled keyboards we’ve seen on MacBooks since 2016.

MacBook users have consistently reported of dropped keystrokes with butterfly switch-based keyboards. The reason being that butterfly keyboards have a tendency to let debris accumulate under the keys which essentially affects normal functioning. With external debris under the keyboard, it usually led to individual keypresses going unregistered or cases of multiple keypresses. Besides, it also led to overheating issues with MacBook keyboards.

Hence, it appears Apple could finally ditch the butterfly mechanism and employ scissor-switch style keyboards for upcoming MacBook models. The switch to a new keyboard design could improve the typing experience with longer key travel.

Elsewhere, the report also notes that Apple plans to release the high-end Mac Pro sometime in December.

About the author

James Miller

Senior writer & Rumors Analyst, James is a postgraduate in biotechnology and has an immense interest in following technology developments. Quiet by nature, he is an avid Lacrosse player. He is responsible for handling the office staff writers and providing them with the latest updates happenings in the world of technology. You can contact him at [email protected].