
Amazon overtakes Microsoft and Apple to become the most valuable company

Written by Allen Parker

Amazon has now become the world’s most valuable company, as it manages to surpass Microsoft, who has enjoyed the top spot since November last year. According to a report by BBC, Amazon has become worth $810 billion, while Microsoft is now valued at $789 billion. The duo are followed by Google’s parent company Alphabet at $752 billion, while Apple is now valued at $702 billion.

The report further notes that Microsoft overtook Apple in late 2018, while Amazon edged past the iPhone-maker in December to take the runner-up spot.

Apple, the once most valued company in the world, keeps going down. Last year, the Cupertino giant became the world’s first trillion dollar company. However, the company has been on a steady decline over the past 6 months.

Now, this is primarily because of low sales of its most popular product – the iPhone. Apple’s latest iPhone-lineup, which was supposed help the company get back at the top, is selling well below expectations. This led to a decline in the value of Apple’s shares. However, CEO Tim Cook asserts Apple is still well positioned in the market as a leader.

“I’m never surprised by the market, to be honest with you, because I think the market is quite emotional in the short term. We sort of look through all of that. We think about the long term. And so when I look at the long-term health of the company, it has never been better. The product pipeline has never been better. The ecosystem has never been stronger. The services are on a tear,” Cook said in an interview with CNBC.

Meanwhile, Amazon has enjoyed a constant growth since early 2017. The company’s Founder, Jeff Bezos, also became the richest person in the world last year at a net worth of $150 billion.

About the author

Allen Parker

Allen is a qualified writer and a blogger, who loves to dabble with and write about technology. While focusing on and writing on tech topics, his varied skills and experience enable him to write on any topic related to tech which may interest him. You can contact him at [email protected].