
After China, Apple could face iPhone sales ban in Germany

apple iphone ban germany
Written by James Miller

After China, a German court has now ruled that all iPhone models since the iPhone 5s are infringing upon a Qualcomm patent. A sales ban will be imposed on Apple if the company does not appeal the German court’s ruling.

According to a report by Reuetrs, Qualcomm is seeking a ban on iPhone models that run Intel chips. The court ruled that iPhones which feature a combination of chips from Intel and Apple supplier Qorvo infringe upon one of Qualcomm’s patents related to envelope tracking, a feature which essentially allows smartphones to save battery while sending and receiving wireless signals.

The judge ruled that Apple should stop selling all iPhones models that run Intel modems in Germany. In response to the court’s ruling, Apple, as expected, retaliated with a fierce reponse.

“Qualcomm’s campaign is a desperate attempt to distract from the real issues between our companies. Their tactics, in the courts and in their everyday business, are harming innovation and harming consumers. Qualcomm insists on charging exorbitant fees based on work they didn’t do, and they are being investigated by governments all around the world for their behavior. We are of course disappointed by this verdict, and we plan to appeal,” said Apple in a statement for CNBC.

Apple and Qualcomm are engaged in a similar legal battle in China. A Chinese court issued a ban on iPhone sales in the country for violating Qualcomm patents. Apple was found to be infringing upon two patents as per the Chinese court’s ruling. These include a patent for changing and reformatting the size and appearance of photographs, and one for managing apps when viewing, navigating and dismissing apps using a touchscreen.

About the author

James Miller

Senior writer & Rumors Analyst, James is a postgraduate in biotechnology and has an immense interest in following technology developments. Quiet by nature, he is an avid Lacrosse player. He is responsible for handling the office staff writers and providing them with the latest updates happenings in the world of technology. You can contact him at [email protected].