
Google Maps Gives Users the Ability to Manage Their Profiles

Written by James Miller

Google Maps finally allows users to manage their profiles straight from the mobile app, a feature that wasn’t available earlier. With the new update, Android users now add their name, profile photo, a short bio, along with the ability to manage account setting and privacy tools directly from the Google Maps app.

Users can manage their public profile from their phone via the new ‘your profile’ tab in the side menu. Users also get the option to hide their public contributions on their profile. To do so, just head over to Menu/Your profile/More/Profile settings and turn off Show contributions on your profile. That said, anyone will still be able to see your name, photo, and bio on your profile.

Besides, users also get the option to make their profile invisible for businesses for added privacy.

The option to manage and edit public profiles is a welcome change given the fact that Google Maps is built upon user contributions to fill in details. Though readers are reminded that being a server-side update, having the latest Google Maps app won’t guarantee that you’ll get this feature.

For now, users will have to wait until Google makes it available for their device. Besides, there’s also no information about whether iOS users will get this option, as it does not show up there at the time of writing.

That said, the feature is likely to arrive on iOS as well as Google is committed to improving the experience of Google Maps on all platforms. Back in October, the company announced a bunch of new features for the iPhone version of Google Maps, giving users the ability to report accidents, traffic jams, and speed traps. The feature arrived on Android earlier this year, and now both iOS and Android users can report about incidents such as road accidents, lane closures, along with other driving hazards such as obstacles or abandoned vehicles on the road.

About the author

James Miller

Senior writer & Rumors Analyst, James is a postgraduate in biotechnology and has an immense interest in following technology developments. Quiet by nature, he is an avid Lacrosse player. He is responsible for handling the office staff writers and providing them with the latest updates happenings in the world of technology. You can contact him at [email protected].