
Netflix snubs iTunes for new user subscriptions

Written by Ashlyn Fernandes

Netflix is no longer allowing users to subscribe to the streaming service via iTunes, the streaming giant has officially confirmed. The move will reportedly save the company over $250 million a year, and is going to cost Apple in excess of $250 million a year. With this change, new Netflix users with an iOS device will be required to subscribe for the service by directly visiting their official website.

“We no longer support iTunes as a method of payment for new members. Existing members, however, can continue to use iTunes as a method of payment,” ,” a Netflix spokesperson told VentureBeat.

Apple typically gets a 15 percent share if users pay for an app via the App store. While this may not sound a lot, but if you have thousands of users and subscribers worldwide, this small interest amounts to a lot of money.

It’s also worth noting that active users who’ve subcribed for Netflix through iTunes are not affected by this move. They can carry on using the service as they’ve been until now. It’s only new users, or someone who wants to reactivate their account will have to do so via the official Netflix website.

Netflix did the same thing with Google Play. Back in May, the company stopped allowing users to pay for the service via the Play Store. Interestingly, it’s not just Netflix who’s trying to avoid fees from Apple and Google.

Fortnite Developer Epic Games, has now launched its own dedicated store for PC and Mac users to avoid taxes from Apple. Besides, even music streaming service Spotify has ditched Apple. The music streaming giant now wants users to sign up for the service directly through Spotify, rather through iTunes or the AppStore to avoid fees Apple charges on subscriptions purchased through iOS.

About the author

Ashlyn Fernandes

Ashlyn is a young communications professional with disciplined training and apt exposure. He has been a voice for a number of media houses in the country and overseas. Travel, Technology, Consumer, Real Estate and Healthcare have been his main areas of practice using conventional messaging with effective digital strategies. You can contact him at [email protected].