
Lead Designer Jony Ive quits Apple after 30 years

jony ive
Written by Allen Parker

Sir Jonathan Ive aka Jony Ive, the brainchid behind many of Apple’s iconic products is leaving the company after nearly 30 years. Ive stated that his next move would be to spend time with his own compnay which is called LoveFrom. He also added that he’ll continue to be fully associated with Apple, as the Cupertino-based giant will be one of the primary clients of his new company in the future. Ive was involved in creating some of the most iconic Apple products. Those include the likes of the iPhone, iPad, iPod, Apple Watc, Mac devices, and so on.

“After nearly 30 years and countless projects, I am most proud of the lasting work we have done to create a design team, process and culture at Apple that is without peer. Today it is stronger, more vibrant and more talented than at any point in Apple’s history. The team will certainly thrive under the excellent leadership of Evans, Alan and Jeff, who have been among my closest collaborators. I have the utmost confidence in my designer colleagues at Apple, who remain my closest friends, and I look forward to working with them for many years to come,” Ive said.

Ive’s departure from Apple has certainly shocked the entire tech inddustry. Some even suggest he had been instrumental in shaping what Apple is today as the late Steve Jobs. Apart from designing Apple products, Ive was also credited for the company’s new Apple Park campus, also referred to as the spaceship campus given its futurustic look and feel.

Besides, Ive was also known to have played an instrumental role in iOS 7, which was by far Apple’s biggest overahaul to its mobile operating system. Similarly, Ivy was also known to play a crucual role in the design and development of macOS.

“Apple will continue to benefit from Jony’s talents by working directly with him on exclusive projects, and through the ongoing work of the brilliant and passionate design team he has built. After so many years working closely together, I’m happy that our relationship continues to evolve and I look forward to working with Jony long into the future,” Apple CEO Tim Cook said in a press release.

Filling in the shoes of Jony Ive will be the likes of Jeff Williams. Alan Dye, and Evans Hankey. Evans is the VP of industrial design and Alan is the VP of human interface at Apple. Both of them will likely be reporting to Jeff Williams.

About the author

Allen Parker

Allen is a qualified writer and a blogger, who loves to dabble with and write about technology. While focusing on and writing on tech topics, his varied skills and experience enable him to write on any topic related to tech which may interest him. You can contact him at [email protected].